Heroe of the moment/Herói da vez

Cidão tagged me for this interesting meme: name your heroe of the moment.
All you have to do is select a photo of your heroe and explain why you chose him/her.
I must apologise to Cidão cause he tagged me a long time ago, but since I couldn't make up my mind about whom I'd choose, it took me a while to think.

I decided that my heroe of the moment are strong women in general. I am amazed at their strength, at their stamina, at their patience, at their pragmatism, at their beauty! That is why I consider each and one of them my heroe. Below is the picture that, in my view, represents the female strength & beauty extremely well.

Cidão, thanks for your patience!
I would like to tag Amel.


  1. Nice choice, gorgeous! Women are heroes in this world!!!

  2. GREAT post, Max...but now I have to think of something else HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...but it's a VERY interesting tag! ;-D

  3. Hey Cidão,

    Thanks, buddy :D! Indeed, they are :D!!


  4. Hey Amelia,

    Thanks, girl :D!
    LOL LOL how I get you..it took me a few weeks to complete this tag *nodding*!
    Cidão only tags me for great memes...he's incredible :D!


  5. Good choice! You should know, you look like a strong woman yourself... ;)

  6. Hey Zhu,

    Thanks, darling :D!
    You are so kind, merci *bowing*!

    Cheers ;)


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